Working Scientifically
Working Scientifically in KS1 and KS2 requires children to develop and use a number of skills which include but not limited to the following.
It is never too early to start learning
Questioning Strategies

Our questioning strategies involves us using a lot of open ended questions which include
Why, How, What, When, Where
These allow children to develop their understanding and reasoning skills and also allows them to formulate their own ideas and demonstrate their understanding around key scientific concepts
Science Inquiry skills

Asking questions
Observing and measuring
Planning and setting up different types of testing ideas
Identifying and classifying
Performing tests
Gathering and recording data
Using equipment safely
Reporting, presenting and communicating data/findings
Using relevant scientific vocabulary /language
Making predictions
Understanding and setting up fair testing
​Reasoning to demonstrate understanding of key concepts
Transferable Skills Developed

Collaborative Teamwork
Problem solving
Critical thinking
Lateral thinking
develop and enhance numeracy and IT skills
Creative problem solving
Taking ownership of their learning
Paying attention to detail
Together Making Science Fun, Inclusive, Inspiring, and an Unforgettable and Memorable Experience