Forensic Science and Crime Scene Investigation is a fantastic and fun way to introduce and engage young people in thinking and linking the STEM subjects Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Technology, Engineering and Maths. It also enables young people to see how all these areas crosslinks as well as incorporating the broader and cross curricula aspects such as communication, social development skill and team working.
Our After School Forensic and and Crime Scene Investigation only Programmes with hands on activities which are age appropriate for children KS2 (year 3 to year 6/ age (8-11).
All session activities allows young people to be hand-on.
Each session enables children to develop working scientifically, using their inquiry skills, enriching their scientific knowledge, inspiring, stimulating and motivating them to aspire to be confident, independent and ambitious young people.
Typical 6-9 Week Programme
Our Forensic and Crime Scene investigation activities are all age appropriate. You get to have fun, work as a team whilst learning about how the Science of Forensics helps in assisting Crime Scene Investigations.
Held on School premises ​
After School Enrichment
Session Activities
Session 1:
​Introduction to the Science of Forensics and Crime Scene Investigations Techniques and types of evidence recovery.
Session 2:
Taking Fingerprints (ink prints), Analysis and pattern classification.
Session 3:
Dusting and development of Latent Finger-marks
Session 4:
DNA evidence retrieval at crime scene
​Session 5:
Footwear mark pattern analysis
Session 6:
Toolmark cast
Session 7:
Hairs and fibre analysis
Session 8:
Handwriting analysis
Where young people put their newly acquired skills and knowledge the various weeks to use.
Mock Crime Scene Investigation Tabletop (in groups
After School Forensics
and Crime Scene Investigation
Every Contact Leaves a Trace
“Every Contact Leaves a Trace” Dr. Edmond Locard's Exchange Principle
After School Forensic and CSI Club
Attention to Detail
Analytical Skills
Evidence Gathering and Analysis
Each week’s session builds up knowledge and skills required to examine a mock Crime Scene at the end of the 6-9 weeks programme. Children would have developed some key skills to assist them with their examination to eliminate victims and identify the suspect.
Students will have to think about:
Potential contamination issues
Use of appropriate PPE
Victim elimination
Suspect identification
appropriate packaging
Integrity of exhibits from crime scene
Working as a team they work methodically organise the relevant evidence, piecing together clues, writing examination reports, analyse witness statements and present their findings- where relevant
All children taking part will be awarded a certificate of participation at the end of the 6-9 week session.
Skills and attributes
​Some of the skills and attributes required and developed as a CSI to examiner Crime Scenes and working Forensically include but not limited to the following:
Careful and methodical approach to work and an ability to prioritise and take appropriate action.
Good attention to detail and keen observation skills for finding and recording evidence.
Being meticulous
Use of Scientific vocabulary
Good communication skills
Good written skills
Critical thinking and problem solving
Good Analytical skills
Team working
Staying calm under pressure
Patience to collect, record and store evidence
Taking ownership of scene examination
Mini Mock Crime Scene Investigation are age-appropriate level.
Aim to be informative, fun, educational and inspiring. Young people put all the skills and knowledge they have acquired or built upon to assist them to work collaboratively as a team using their critical thinking and problem-solving skills to assist them to examine the mock scene whilst learning about how Forensics helps and assists in crime scene investigations.
Team Work
Methodical Approach
Team Work
School Clubs & Workshops
Together Making Science Fun, Inclusive, Inspiring, and an Unforgettable and Memorable Experience